Thursday, March 19, 2009

Was Amendment XVII to the U.S. Constitution a mistake?

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. August 05, 2005

I. Can the U.S. survive without English as the official language? No.
I know more and more I sound like a broken record by being hung up on the same "The sky is falling" drum beat. Here it is again. 

Folks, lets face it the only way to save this great nation is to elect people who will privatize big government out of its super provider role. Time is winding down.

Maybe we as a nation are in denial or just doesn't know what it is going to take to survive the coming troubled times. 

I know my cries are falling on deaf ear when I sound like Chicken Little with my constant harping on our lack of ability to survive an extended crisis. 

Maybe I am not all there; I can't help it if I feel it to the core that we must prepare for the worst. Sure, in sheer brute military power no nation on earth comes close to our might.

But, nothing is going to save us from ourselves and keep us united as a nation, except privatizing big government out of its provider role. 

Am I the only one gravely concerned about our ability to survive if the world's economy collapses? Life itself is a cycle. It's going to collapse, no one knows when, but I will assure you sooner or later a rebirth cycle must take place. 

That is why the nuclear family system and a bartering capacity is a must; otherwise there are no seeds to grow anew.

Even though no nation has ever reversed a course into total destruction, I will never give up hope on this great nation being saved. 

The reason the people can't stop anything is because the people are not in charge anymore. The shallow minded liberals unknowingly with good intention created this super family provider monster we have today.

Sure, we must have a strong government, but never a family provider government because whoever is the family provider is the undisputed boss.

Once government takes over the family provider role and is able to call all of the shots there is no stopping or controlling it, The citizens are not going to vote to bite the hand that feeds them no matter how high taxes goes, or stop anything else.

Before the "New deal" there was no way the people would have stood for what is taking place in this country today. 

That is why I keep trying to get it through thick sculls that unless big government is privatized out of its super family provider role this nation is doomed. 

Just look at what is taking place, our manufacturing base have left the country, a secure border is a joke, and there is no official national language to keep us united. You tell me.

How can this nation survive? Anyone with a once of wisdom should be able to see that we are headed toward total disaster if nothing is done to reverse this. 

Circumstance is going to soon bring it all to a head sooner than we think. We have almost no strong nuclear family foundation left or bartering capacity. Plus, nothing is being done to correct this. It is insanity. Just the opposite is being done.

I see all of the volunteer groups building homes and making women more and more independent without a man in the picture. 

They call it doing good and helping the poor, and on the surface for the shallow minded it does seem like a good thing. That is the major problem today, the good life have produced hoards of people with no wisdom. 

I'm here to tell you, that anything that doesn't promote the need for man and woman to have a survival need for each other is destructive, period.

Sure, the overwhelming majority will think that I'm uncaring and lack compassion, and they would be right if we forever lived in good times. 

But, the real caring and compassion is to be prepared to survive through the worse of times and it can't be done without man and woman tied to each other through a survival need. 

Today there is no penalty for being independent, especially with uncle sugar paying the bills.

Almost everybody is independent, the handicapped, and everybody else. I believe it is a crime against survival. So, what is my problem? 

I don't have a problem, I have a question. How is the country and all of these independent people going to survive without a strong nuclear family system when money becomes worthless and almost no one has anything to barter with? 

You tell me this can't happen and I will tell you I'm looking at a fool.

We can only pray that this will never happen, but with the way this government is spending money like it's going out of style, it’s not as far fetched as it may seem. May the grace of God save this great nation?

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. August 04, 2005
I. Why were threaten beliefs so feared way back in history?

As a writer just setting back observing the world's stage, more and more I'm beginning to think human survival is going to boil down to a matter of culture. 

In my view raw human nature has changed very little in five thousand years; people are just as superstitious, gullible, and programmed as ever.

I'm beginning to understand why way back in history they were so hard on heretics and things dealing with beliefs. I'm not condoning past behavior in any way, I'm just trying to understand the why of things. 

Make no mistake about it, back then they understood just how dangerous threaten beliefs could become. Today, far too many people have bought into this nutty idea that we no longer need a giant melting pot.

The giant melting pot will work just fine as long as new comers are forced to assimilate, but a time bomb is planted when new comers won't assimilate and promotes their own culture and beliefs. 

We in the industrialized world may think we are so advanced and sophisticated, but judging from past history we don't know anything.

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. July 16, 2005
I. Why a nice, polite, normal unsuspecting individual may turns out to be a suicide bomber?

I decided to weigh in and try to shine some light on this subject. The human mind is far too complex for anyone to predict one hundred percent what a person will do in any given situation. 

But, there are profiles that can be very useful to a high degree. I'm not any kind of expert or sort; I'm just a writer with a lot of common sense.

I've noticed one key word that is always present in people that commit terrible and heinous crimes. That word is unforgiveness. 

The words forgiveness and unforgiveness may seem like just any two simple words but they are not. The ability to forgive is the only thing that will defuse the negative emotions in our character. 

The negative emotions in our character such as anger, jealousy, spite envy, hate, and revenge can only be defused with the ability to forgive.

Look at domestic abuse cases, one will kill and then kill himself. Ones religion or culture is not the cause, the cause is unforgiveness fueled by ideology, jealousy, spite, hate, envy, or revenge. 

Remember all behavior is learned one way or another. I believe we all have surface beliefs and deep or strong beliefs. I believe beliefs and memory works hand in hand. 

We all know that data that is not stored in our long term memory is soon forgotten.

I think it is the same way with our beliefs, in order for something to become a deep and strong belief it must be repeated over and over long enough to be instilled in long term memory. 

Then it will become an almost unshakable belief. Almost every family knows that common sense, love, and tough talk will not get through to a stray family member unless that member wants to change.

Most western cultures teach their young tolerance, acceptance, and forgiveness toward other races, religions, and cultures. But, some other cultures tend to teach their young more of a tribal or clannish type of behavior. 

Today when you see a nice polite normal individual that turned out to be a suicide bomber, everyone is shocked and so surprised, but, remember that individual already had a lack of trust and forgiveness for outsiders.

Lacking trust and forgiveness for outsiders alone will not make one a suicide bomber, but it does leave one more vulnerable to idealogues. 

Then, all an idealogue has to do is fuel that lack of trust and forgiveness by blaming over and over all of that individuals short comings on outsiders and exploiting that individuals envy, spite, anger, jealousy, or hate to demand his sense of justice and revenge. 

Those with strong radical views usually don't get them overnight.

But, a new positive out look can be relearned if one is willing, it just takes a long time. It may take six month to a year but any quote repeated over and over will eventually change behavior. 

If one want to gain the ability to forgive, just repeat over and over to ones self fifty and more times each day, "I can face and forgive all things, or I can wish all people goodwill no matter how I'm treated in return.

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. July 14, 2005I. Can survival be drummed into thick sculls?
Folks, I dislike this role of being a spoil sport, doom-sayer, party wrecker or some other negative connotation. 

But, I must keep beating the drums because when it comes to the economy its perspective, perspective, perspective, balance, balance, balance, and more balance.

My writing seems to be some unknown foreign tongue or something because very few people seem to have the slightest idea what I keep harping on concerning the economy. 

I keep trying to get it through thick sculls that the economy is not something isolated out there operating all alone. I believe the economy and culture is one unit with separate parts.

I believe the economy could be paved with gold and booming out of sight, but it is still all for naught when the culture is rotten to the core and shot all to hell. 

I keep screaming and hollering vote in people that will privatize big government out of its super family provider role. 

I believe that is the only thing that will bring people back to the basics and enable the people to survive without money or government help long enough to regroup.

Otherwise, when faced with hunger and other survival struggles we will turn on each other and there will be chaos. 

Still, ain't anybody listening? Sometimes I wish I could just give it up, quit and walk away, but, I'm just not made that way, I don't know how to quit trying. 

Maybe it's just me, I just don’t know anymore, All I know is I don't know how to quit writing about the dire state of our culture. 

Sure, I see all of the eggs going more and more into one basket by building an all powerful domestic force, which is a good thing.

But, no matter how powerful our force is, it is still a paid forced. What about the grass roots? What will happen if money is worthless and there is no pay? 

I believe we as a nation must be prepared to survive under all conditions even if money is worthless and we have to barter to survive. 

Surviving is being able to take the hardest punch and keep on fighting for survival as individuals and as a unit, not waiting and depending on others to take care us. May the grace of God be with America?

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. July 10, 2005
I. Can Africa survive Handouts?

This subject reminds me of the vacationing tourist that walked up to a local that had his feet propped up and was kicked back under a tree. 

The tourist asked the man, "Why don't you get up and get a job?" The local said, "For what?" "To make money." "Make money for what," said the local? "So you can relax, enjoy yourself, and take it easy later in life." The local said, "Why bother I'm already doing all that."

The point I'm trying to make is what really matters in life is food, shelter, and the basics for a comfortable life. It matters not if one makes a hundred dollars a day if one can't afford enough food, shelter, warmest, and the basic comforts of life. 

In my view protecting the culture and producing enough food to survive should always be the first priorities for any country. The surest way to destroy any country is to take away its struggle to survive, period.

When the struggle to survive goes, so goes individual accountability and responsibility followed by disrespect for authority, moral decay, crime, drug, and on and on. 

In my view any poor country that has great wealth in natural resources or by any other means should use a dual track economy. 

What I mean by dual track is always keep the great wealth income completely separated to be spent only on infra structural, and never to be use for handouts.

In fact stay away from hand outs, period, if you want to save your culture. I don't believe there is a poor country anywhere that couldn't feed itself on its own if the government would allow producers to keep ninety percent of all profit. 

There would be entrepreneurs springing up almost overnight to fill the need, but those governments would never keep hand off higher taxes, no way.

Education does matter because in parts of Africa all of the trees have been cut down for heating and cooking. 

Now erosion and encroaching deserts have become a problem. I'm not pretending to have the answer to Africa or any other country's problems, but I do know unhindered incentive is the thing most needed in Africa and in all poor countries. 

As for Aids in Africa and everywhere, the wisest thing is to flee from temptation.

Stay away from certain situations because when the time is right you may not care. Its education, education, education then flees, never try to be superman or superwoman.

From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. July 04, 2005
I. Was Amendment XVII to the U.S. Constitution a mistake?

Folks, lets face it the core problem concerning the judicial confirmation process is the seventeenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

It took several decades to catch up with us but the effect is here now in full force. The only real solution is to repeal the seventeenth amendment. Of course ain't no body listening and it ain't gonna happen. 

Now, the U.S. Senate is completely politicized and the judicial confirmation process is even more politicized.

Today in the eyes of special interest groups the appellate courts and the Supreme Court are rulers and dictators. 

To special interest it is all political, that is why the liberals are going to fight to the last man or woman on every original concept nominee. It's only going to get more and fiercer. Lord help us.


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